
2020: What. A. Year!


“2020 is going to be a great year!!”

This was me, last year December

Patiently anticipating the joys of the new year

Oh, how times have changed

Australian fires, killer bees, WW3

January, started promising. With the time I spent with family, at work, at peace.

Then something unexpected occurred...


If your living today then you know exactly what this is and the horrors it has produced

It sickens me how this disease has spread so far and the sheer lack of human compassion it has produced in humans

Toilet paper shortages, food shortages, stockpiling, demanding people take off their masks

Whatever happened to common decency?

We were all humans before Coronavirus separated us


Then came a somewhat new, yet clearly visible crime of history

Another black man killed by the police

George Floyd was a father, a friend and a family member to many

Yet, what police saw and what they currently still do see, is “criminal” ,“thug”-unworthy of life

We were all humans until race disconnected us

I would like to give you a fraction of the amount of people who have lost their life this year.

Chadwick Boseman, Nicole Thea, Naya Rivera, Pop Smoke, Kobe Bryant and his daughter Gianni, Armaud Arberry, Breonna Taylor and so many more.

It’s easy to read about these cases and gloss over the facts

The facts are; all these lives were valuable, worthy, great.

They will never understand the true impact and beauty their life had on us even if we did not know them personally.

You will be missed and never forgotten

We were all humans before death segregated us.


Then came SARS- Special Anti Robbery Squad

Anti Robbery?

But Pro robbery when it comes to corruption from governmental powers and citizens of your own country

On the night of 20th October, members of the Nigerian Armed Forces opened fire on citizens protesting in Nigeria

At least 15 casualties, what about the casualties of their family members and friends who have to sit idly by watching humans ruin their lives so recklessly and brutally.

This is not the only African country that has suffered tragedy this year

Congo is also going through its own abuse of power from armed groups.

So we must too,keep them in our prayers

We were all humans before greed and selfishness took over us


When you hear bad news, after bad news you somewhat become immune to it

You know it’s happening but nothing can surprise you anymore

Online uni and school lockdowns don’t surprise me

High tier, local lockdowns and loss of jobs don’t surprise me

Poor governmental decisions don’t surprise me because men were not created to govern this world.


Now as I leave. Take a few moments to think about why this year serves as a lesson, a reminder in how we don’t want to live.