Gary Edward Geraci

Yaupon Holly Holy



Under the tutelage of Fr. Gerard Manley Hopkins


Clumps of crimson-bright berries clustered close;

Red to catch the light, red to glow in sight,

And numbered, numbering gross

Winter feasts for feeding fowl on berry:

First feed, take flight,

Return to gorge. More! Most

Moist in juice, the cherry

Hued globes - glut of fuel - and sweet in shell; then flight - high and airy.


Would we be so rich in moment,

This shared moment potent,

Fed fully like feathered creatures!

This second excluding no one:

Well in health and playful fun,

Or lost in luck with aching heart.

Wealth is ‘now’: ‘now’ a speeding dart,

‘Now’ a young leader, ‘now’ a truth seeker,

‘Now’ calling himself the Son

Of God.  The descent down meant

Rendering also onto Caesar.

Treasure, time, and talent

This eternal minute is a gallant

And noble Teacher,

A giving Teacher, a rich Teacher;

Sharing NOW, a royal Teacher.


Gary Edward Geraci