
Decades Before A Smile

One day when I,

am seventy years old,

and decide to look back,

on my life,

I will reflect on all,

the mistakes I made,

but know that still fought the good fight.

I will reflect on all,

of the harder days,

and know that I,

still kept the faith.

I will scoff as I remember,

those who doubted,

as I finally finish the race,

because I know I will,

recieve my imperishable crown,

laid up for me in that Heavenly place.

I will lament over the ones,

whom I have hurt,

and never had made amends,

and know it was for that reason,

that growing for me,

was like looking through dirty lense.

I will look back on the things,

that I did not do,

but know that I could have done.

Yes, there are things,

I would have done differently.

Still, I would not change one.

So I may live past seventy.

I may live to one-hundred and ten.

I just know that I would rather,

be in Christ\'s Kingdom,

than live my life all over again.