
Get that trumpeting miscreant yucca puck out of the White House

Fast forward at least two score

Earth\'s orbitz round the sun

approximately the year 2040

history already wrote him off

as thee worst president

(based on numerous metrics)

of these United States.


Now toggle back to today

November 17th, 2020

the forty fifth commander in chief

still biden his time

refuses to concede election results

despite irrefutable opponent win,

yet he (who cannot be named)


refuses to budge

holding strongly steadfast to his perch

nursing narcissistic grudge

that eligible voters

rendered him irrelevant

courtesy enfranchisement nudge,

a showdown will lead to ouster

as leader of the Republican party.


He, the tragicomical unpopularly snubbed character

can wreak untold havoc

between aforementioned said date

and Wednesday January 20th, 2021

orders issued promulgating orders such as:


1. decreeing civil service

subject to political oversight

2. allow sale of oil and gas permits

within Alaska\'s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

3. require renewal of regulations


under purview courtesy

Health and Human Services Department

hobbling COVID-19 vaccine

4. impose sanctions on Iran
5. finalize peace deal

signed with Taliban in Afghanistan

6. broker extension regarding

New Start nuclear treaty with Russia

7. deliver spate of pardons to his cronies

8. disclose sensitive national-security information.


That mean son of a bitch

would gleefully, maniacally,

and royally ditch

the democratic process plagued

with many a glitch

permanently incapacitating turncoat

henchmen/women who snitch

revealing true guise as wicked witch.


Who knows what evil lurks in the heart of man,

especially one groomed to win at all costs

and would sooner ruin the planet

versus admitting himself as sore loser?