Each day I walk by My River,
Each day I try to walk faster,
Doing my exercising
In this locked down world.
But this day I slowed
As thoughts came to my mind.
My River had reached out to me
And said “Why are you ignoring me?”
So My River and I became one again.
Its beauty shone for me.
The smooth, clear green water
Giving me the clarity of thought.
Each breath I took cleansed my heart,
Cleansed my heart and mind.
In came the good thoughts,
Out went the bad.
The freedom from sorrow was with me
As my lover joined me
And we walked together in love,
As we had for so many years,
For so many years during her lifetime,
But she was always with me,
And in walking slowly by My River
She was with me once more.
We came to My Rivers end
And she walked on into her Spiritual World,
I walked back but I knew,
I knew that one day as we both came
To My Rivers end we would walk on together,
Walk in Our Spirits in eternal life forever
With our so strong love
Increasing with every step.