
Holiday magic courtesy potluck dinners exuded delicious aroma at 324 Level Road


Mother would patschke

early that day in the kitchen,

and recruit any guest, who

blindly ambled thru front door

suddenly trapped unwittingly

squarely (triangulated) into kitchen

forcibly impressed to help


set up buffet tables

and/or given carte blanche to prepare

some mysterious dish,

(a hodgepodge of ingredients),

that suffered no shortages of compliments

unfortunately could never be duplicated.


Guests harkened far and wide

word of mouth boastful rantings and ravings

superseded culinary Michelin Guides

to dole out seven stars,

which wordsworth meant \"exceptional cuisine

promised hungry visitor

a special satisfactory journey.\"


\"Time to eat\" (usually bellowed courtesy father)

generated an orderly stampede to jostle in line

and commence maximizing capacity

testing sturdiness disposable plates could hold

scouting, shoe horning, staking...

place to become comfortably numb with satiation.


Amidst various and sundry masticating jaws

(with each respective mouthful

of food glorious food -

cue said Oliver Twist song title)

followed by draught of spirits

ejaculations of delight issued,

and punctuated the sound of silence


when not additionally interrupted

courtesy sibilant crackling

popping, and snapping

wood burning stove,

which aforementioned heat source

lulled well fed tummies

whereby heavy eyelids drooped

while heads sank into chest.


No matter hunger pangs quieted

evidenced by casserole, glass, pyrex...

scraped clean rumors heralding dessert

quickly awoke wine weary souls

analogous to sluggish animals


awakening out their hibernation,

when self anointed maître d\'

showcased good n plenti desserts

(pies, ice cream, cookies and cakes galore)

she made house special

comprising secret ingredients.


Upon being stuffed to the hilt

(dear kith and kin mother

all counted as family

think taxidermist specimen

readied for mounting)

all pledged a unanimous

New year\'s resolution

vouchsafed to start on diet

come January first.