Werther did desire Lotte
Consumed by fires of passion
Wild imaginings spread flame through his psyche
Drained, his heart was left empty excepting tribulations and a fierce determination in the end.
Ponderous of mirth and ill-humour
A scourge of bitterness or uproarious laughter
All feeling better than soulless subordination
Fleeting fate he abandoned for an eternal hereafter
O\' why is not love of nature and literature enough?
Or thrills, Werther, in the ambitions of professional lust!
Is it base, to be loved for a turn of mind or flash of intelligence
And is the highest, most impossible ideal of the heart the only worthy art of man\'s efforts?
Did perverse thrill move the quill on your note to Albert
Who unknowingly, facilitates your outrage.
As I turn the page on Werther\'s strange tale, how he tormented his own soul to distraction then destruction.
He was always written in to an impossibly noble and virtuous existence and Lotte gave him the means to that end.