Writings From The Unknown13

I Am The Rose


roses have thorns that hurt you but only if you handle it the wrong way.

if you hold a rose just the right way you can see how beautiful it really is.

you look at the rose and say, \"wow so beautiful i wish it didnt have thorns.\"

those thorns are what protects that rose from people mishandling that rose, 

protects it from future breakage from ones hands and disregard.

once you actually see the inside of the rose pedals in between each layer..

you realize how much you love roses.

the way it grows..

the texture..

the brightness when the sun hits it just right..

the way it smells so calmly...

so you pick it from its roots and put it in water hoping itll last forever...

until its unkept and slowly starts to frown and drop pedals to the floor losing its brightness slowly dying..

and then you throw it away and replace the vase with a new one..

just because you didnt keep care of it.

i am the rose.

my scars are the thorns that protects myself from others mishandling my heart..

and as those pedals drop i lose a part of myself, my soul, my heart..

and the girl i used to be...

i am the rose.