My Lady Was a Poem
My lady was a poem
just waiting to happen
A flurry
of words balanced …
on the
wings of explorers
the joy on the face
of new parents
The pride of a father
and the
love of a mother
With all but a trace
of the smile
she was known for
And let’s
not forget the way
that she moved
which once
made her famous
Nor the
lavender shawl
that she
wore off her shoulders
My lady
was a poem
just waiting to happen
On the lips of her lovers
and in the
prayers of disciples
She was
a flurry of words
unhurried, yet spoken
At home
in cathedrals, bordello
or ghetto
Now gone tho I hear her
but only
in whispers and echo’s
I sense her
in shadows and embers
and mist
on the hill though
All the places we loved
I try to
scribble in note pads
My lady
was surely a poem
just waiting to happen
yet barely
captured in moments now gone …