Kurt Philip Behm

Song Of The Nightingale (+2)

Once was a time

I was young enough,

to know and feel the truth


But the years laid claim

to my memory,

and the seeds to every fruit


Today is but folly,

tomorrow a fool,  

the past like fine wine ages true


Where a nightingale sings

in my dreams unrestrained

—that song of myself ever new


(The New Room: November, 2020)




Final Call


Punching in the numbers

on the celestial dial tone


Eternity became toll free

—its area code my own


(Dreamsleep: November, 2020)




Road Kill


Death failed to show up for work one day,

the clock remained unpunched


Hospital’s waiting, graveyards on call,

all coroner’s out to lunch


Death took a holiday without checking in,

the pecking order stunned


Like a deer on the highway, all headlights turned off

—awaiting what’s to come


(Dreamsleep: November, 2020)