Harry Atkinson

Silly Little Rascal


I said I can give it my all

Rolled up into a cloud of solemn lies

For she

Carry out while it drifts downstream

Clean my mouth

Wash hers

If that’s all I do today

Five days of the seven

Answer to myself

She has no question

While I spread my riddled path on a sheet

Day three


Be there by ten

I’ll be there by then


When months pass

Is it the resentment that fuels the excitement

A fire to burn the lining

A fizzing that tickles my sternum

Give me more

Give me more

Until I’m content


Will I carry on hopping

Sometimes I hope my next hop

Might just land me in a playground of satisfaction

I didn’t see this coming

If I did

I don’t know what I’d of made of it

Muddy trail or gravel path

That day

I tied my laces a little tighter