

Old photos in a drawer...

You have bangs and, in your flannel...

Where did you go?

Love gone is a lie...

Where did you go?

Let me understand...

Where did you go?

Your bike still leans against the garage...

Should I never bring it in?

Where did you go?

Ponies on the wall in a row...

Scratches on the wall as you grew...

Why did you go?

I\'m stuck...Im losing the hope...

Where did you go?

The fence is no longer pink...

You did it all summer...when I couldn\'t...

I\'m sorry...again...

But you don\'t know that anymore...

Where did you go?

She wont come by anymore...says the sadness takes her breath away...

Where did you go?

I\'ll wait here...for 5 more years...

Where am I suppose to go?

What am I suppose to do?

Death is like glue...I\'m a prisoner here...

Where did you go Ava?

Maybe I\'ll just join you.