
My resilient heart

Like the sound of the waves violently crashing against the rocks I hate really sure that has weekend and can no longer stand strong breaking apart falling into the icy cold Waters which at one point in time work so well together like a tree having unbelievably strong roots that seem to have been unbreakable but after years of holding on to that fact all of a sudden finding it\'s Roots family holding on is no longer an option the winning nature has done too much damage over the years causing the tree to uproot topple into its demise but the bones in our bodies starting out so strong but over time becoming weak and brittle so very fragile as we age and some ways describing how my heart breaks and has been broken when people tend to walk all over me taking my love and friendship for granite how can people do something so cool as I take your precious gift and throw it away like it was trash but also like the seasons that change in the winter when nature dies due to the rain and snow spring is where life begins to flow blossoming back into the beautiful state we\'re going to begin some of the grass the screener than ever before the trees have begun to grow back their leaves flowers are in full bloom and all this wonders standing tall and proud catching the attention of whoever walks by them Autumn is where they\'ve changed colors from green to yellow and brown hey beautiful sight to see this is the resilience of my heart and which has been hurt and broken into what sins like a million pieces the repair seems irreversible send somehow find strength putting it back together one by one bit by bit day by day slowly my heart is once again hold my will of shrine I will persevere I will never give up my Hope on my faith knowing that there is love out there somewhere for me and someone that will treat me with the same love and respect and honesty and trust in which I give so freely I do not know how long it will take to find him but he real love is worth waiting on to have his special bond in connection with someone like no other I am worthy and it will come to pass