
Peace Prominent - Isaiah Series (29)

Tune: Louvan

(\'Lord of all being, throned afar\')

Isaiah 2 v.2-5


It shall come to pass in last days

Mount of the LORD\'s house, the LORD says

Shall be established, top of mounts

It shall be dispensing life\'s founts


And above the hills exalted

All nations flow to it, be led

Many people shall say, Come you

Let us go there, and I go too


To the house of God, there will He

Teach us His ways, and we shall be

They who walk in His paths, for out

Of Zion goes His words, no doubt


He shall judge amidst the nations

All classes, creeds, and all stations

Rebuking many, turn they shall

From sin and evil and do well


Shall beat their swords into plow-shares

Beat spears to pruning knives, no cares

To lift up sword, nor to learn war

Living in the LORD\'s light e\'ermore