
A Song About a Song

Lastly, the final note recedes, out there beyond grey mountains.
Colder than a December sun - it wavers.
Transient, shimmering and desperate.
Before it plummets, unanalyzed,
into amnesia.

Searching for complex shapes in the dark is just no fun.

What system can one devise for the reconstruction of something forgotten?
What approach is appropriate?
What program proper enough?
What mould so blindingly magnificent?

There was a song I used to know by heart.
It danced on the edges of everything I was afraid of.
It gifted to loved ones spaces of me I didn\'t know I was able to give.
I found it easy.
Rewarding even.

Those melodies helped me discover that I was stronger than I imagined.
I found it profound.
Astounding even.

Back then it was all wonderfully diverse chords,
of which,
I was only a small wavelength.

Now I only hear single notes.
Self centered.

What is left is imitation.
A song about a song.
Sorry if it\'s annoying,
Won\'t carry on too long.