Aa Harvey

17. Humble B. Bumble : It will never bee

It will never bee



Humble knocked on the door to BlondeBee’s parents home

And her Mom answered the door.

Hi Mrs. Friendly, I’m here to see BlondeBee.

I’ll just give her a call.



BlondeBee, Humble’s here, are you nearly ready?

Just doing my hair Mom.

Take a seat Humble.  Would you like some honey?

No thank you Mrs. Friendly, I’m all full up.



What are you two up to tonight?

Oh, we’re just going for a walk.

Make sure that you don’t go outside the hive

And to bee back beefore it’s dark.



Humble and BlondeBee tried dating for a while,

But they never really made the connection.

Sure they were friends and could make each other smile,

But the relationship lacked any passion.



At the end of one night on the doorstep to BlondeBee’s house,

The kiss opportunity came along, but Humble feared like a mouse

And no sound came out, when he tried to ask her for a snog.

She didn’t ask either, for she wasn’t a beeliever.

She was starting to have her own regrets, knowing it to bee wrong.



So nothing happened, three nights in a row.

Then along came a whole new threat.

BlondeBee cancelled a date, after turning up late,

And Humble walked home alone feeling bad and fell into bed.



Little did he know, BlondeBee was not alone.

She went dancing with a bee from her past.

They shared a kiss and BlondeBee did confess,

That Tiny Dancer was the one that made her laugh.

Humble thought maybe he should forgive her.

When she was around, he could still act the clown,

But there was no way he could ever bee her lover.

Humble was happy for BlondeBee, but he still felt so let down.



(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.