
The ignorant Sun

The sun rose from behind the hills

Ripping off the layers of the dark

And her rays she spread over

The naked trees of autumn


Mountains hesitated for a moment

Since as she lullabied to their tender parts

She made them suffer the thirst For the rivers which merrily streamed in the corners of the aching towns


She woke passengers up from their dreams

As she hit the glass windows of the wrecked trains

And she planted flowers in the hearts of the hopeless

Wiping tears off their souls


She, the sun, is ignorant

Of the kisses she left on strangers\' lips

Of the fires she lit in homeless bodies

Of the yearning she caused

For eternity and for life


She fades away slowly thinking

She left the world in peace

How ignorant she is

Of the harshness

And the cruelty

Of the miserable eternal night.