Fay Slimm.

Locked In


Locked In.

Let go sad mem\'ry
wherein grow
high weeds which,
entangled by
pastness can harm
fine intention
and never breed
Locked into virus
no mourner
hopes to by-pass
deep grief
nor has strength
to fight
for right choices
of course.
But worth all the
effort to
seek mind-maps
which can
recall laughter or
good times
of togetherness
is found
in the aftermath
while all
anyone needs is
to re-live
the love specially
locked into
memory as that
feeling it
gave might refill
again joy
in a heart\'s visit
of faith to
long gone scenes
back then.
So allow unhappy
memory to
stay outside the
arena and
discover weedfree
strata to
feed on while living
the past for
this a heart needs.