Tune: Helmsley
(\'Lo, He comes with clouds descending\')
Luke 21 v.25-36 parts
Jesus, the time of His return
There things of it we can learn
Signs in the sun, and stars, and moon
Prepare for His coming soon
On earth nations distress
Perplexed, troubled, no less
The end nears, the seas road
Waves o\'erflooding on the shore
People\'s hearts, they shall fail them, for
They look on these troubles sure
These things shall then come on the earth
As the pains of a new birth
Powers of heaven shaken
Son of man coming then
In a cloud with power
And great glory in that hour
When these things do start to take place
Believers, lift up your face
Not downcast, for your redemption
Draws near, full now, for each one
\'Tis as fig tree budding
Signs are showing each thing
Of His return shortly
Kingdom of God near, whole, free
Taking heed to your selves, lest you
Overcharged with surfeits due
Or drunkenness, or in life\'s cares
Taken up in its affairs
So you may be caught out
Miss the time or it doubt
As a snare unto all
It shall come, pray you not fall
Tips on singing:
Lines 1 and 3 of each verse:
The 4th syllable of these lines seems a little longer.
The 5th syllable of these lines seems longer still.
Then 3 normal syllables (6, 7, and 8) to end these lines.