Rebecca Anne

Prey to an Angel

Is it really worth the battle
in this eerie earth you travel
to resurrect a broken angel?
A treasure, wrecked, unstable.

She, who thrusts her wings upon you,
entrust her with your heart if you dare to.
You discuss \"us\" in all its beauty,
she\'s disgusted, you\'re merely her duty.

By her body, you will be adorned,
become her sweet nobody, left scorned.
Disguised as the angel you thought you knew,
you lie with a danger no man should pursue.

Bleeding, bound to a Goddess by her spell,
sweet secrets you share, you\'d never dare tell.
Her feathers grow black, from the darkness within,
shallow breaths escape as your back loses skin.

Her wrath grows to match every beating,
her secrets unfold with your racing hearts meeting.
It is your submission for which she does yearn,
for, to break an angel, today it\'s her turn.

Her feathers, now frosted with red,
still tempt you mercilessly into her bed.
With a halo blinding you from her disgrace,
she leaves you with scars that run deeper than your faith.

Her welcomed claws caress your spine,
with kind bruises she claims you. Your body; her shrine.
In saving your angel, you so sweetly endeavoured,
but in saving this angel, your own wings did get severed.

Is it really worth the battle
in this eerie earth you travel
to resurrect yourself, her broken angel?
A treasure, soon to be lost to a fable.