
Honesty honestly sucks

The blue grass moved against the wind 

The yellow daisys scattered on the ground 

The wind humming to a higher pitched version of let her go. 

While a young man sits in the gazebo glancing at the field, looking dejected 

As a young woman walks away without turning back 


God, how long must I kick myself? 


I’ll be honest honesty honestly sucks 


The woman walks to a Jeep and climbs into the car before breaking down. 

The young man walks silently to his apartment that still smells of strawberries and vanilla 


Does that make me terrible? 

Saying that honesty sucks that\'s like saying deceit is delightful

That isn’t what I’m saying at all though



The young man wakes up to hosting a garage sale 

Selling the woman’s clothing 

Selling the ugly hot pink lamp shade 

Selling the overwhelming collection of pink kitchen tools

The woman sits on a boat sipping some wine while staring out to the sea


Do you think she’s fine? 

Honestly I do 

She wouldn’t be turned upside down from someone like me 


The women changes her 4 year status to single 

The young man changed his 4 year status to single 

After the women had decided it was enough 

And the young man prayed and begged for it not to be done 


Could I have changed all this? 

most definitely

Unfortunately I wasn’t who I should’ve been 

I didn’t appreciate who I should’ve


The women storms out after saying “I’m not gonna be second anymore”

The young man storms after her saying he doesn’t understand 

The women yells as she runs “you just don’t love me like I love you.” 

The young man stares but doesn’t run for her


Should I have realized it sooner? 

I could’ve and should’ve realized 

Maybe I’d been able to fix everything 


The next morning the young man walks to the park to find the women 

The women walks off saying she’s leaving and he can throw her things out 

The young man doesn’t know what to do so he shakes his head and stares

Tears well in the women’s eyes as she strolls back to her jeep 

The young man not aware of the mistake he’s made 


Do you know the hardest part? 

The honest truth as much as it hurts 

Is still the truth

And I had to be honest with myself 

I realized I loved you 

Too long after I’d lost you 


And now I’m really kicking myself