
Eternal Enfranchisement

* Enfranchise - to liberate; set free

Tune: Carlisle

(\'Tis good Lord, to be here\')

Revelation 21 v.9-12 parts


John in vision was shown

New Jerusalem known

Descended from the heavenly height

A true resplendent sight


It shone with God\'s glory

Light like precious stone, see

As jasper stone, clear as crystal

Glowing most beauteous all


It had wall great and high

With twelve gates by adn by

Names written on gates of twelve tribes

Of Israel there inscribed


Each gate made of a pearl

As vision did unfurl

Street of the city was pure gold

As transparent glass bold


Wall had twelve foundations

Name there of holy one

Of the twelve apostles, for they

Followed Christ [the Lamb] in His day


Foundations were garnished

With precious stones furnished

Jasper, sapphire, chalcedony

Emerald, so some be


Sardondyx, sardius

Infinite wonders thus

Chrysolite, beryl, and topaz

Of these the city has


Chrysoprasus, jacinth

Various hues and tints

And amethyst, above earth\'s store

Of its glories e\'ermore


General guide to precious stones:

Jasper - red, yellow, or brown

Sapphire - blue

Chalcedony - white, grey, blue, or brown

Emerald - green

Sardonyx - brownish red, or ruby

Sardius - yellow or orange

Chrysolite - pale yellow-green

Beryl - pale green, light blue, yellow, or white

Topaz - yellow, white, rose, pale blue, or pale green

Chrysoprasus - golden green

Jacinth - reddish-orange

Amethyst - purple or violet