

The best place to be where happiness resides,

Where love is cherished and comforts your mind,

When the ocean waves soothes your emotions,

Feeling seduced by pleasurable moments,

A place that\'s beautifully heaven sent,

Where u can find great joy and bliss,

A place of the sweetest of roses and softest of clouds,

A place of magic with magical sounds,

Dreamworld a world that is the greatest,

Fulfilling your every need living your expectations,

Deep in your heart you feel the sensation,

Dwelling in your essence deepening your vibrations,

Loving seeing every moment of god\'s creations,

what looks like art and is viewed as amazing,

Where love is found and perfection expands,

Where hope is all around and hope will win,

Walking on the beach feet caressed by the sand,

Sensationally at peace in never never land.