
Beneficent Beholder

Tune: Harewood

(\'Christ is the corner stone\')

Psalm 33 v.13-22


The LORD from heaven looks

He has us not forsook

He beholds all mankind

All their places does find

None can from Him hide, He does see

From His heaven high and lofty


He fashions their heart all

That men may on Him call

They not saved by strength much

But saved by Him, it such

His eye is on them that Him  fear

They trust in Him, to Him draw near


And those that His mercy

Hope in, He keeps them free

Saves them from death, amine

So fresh praises begin

To Him, our soul does for Him wait

He is our help and shield, not late


Our heart in Him it shall

Rejoice, and praise Him well

Because He faithful be

We have trusted Him, see

Your mercy LORD be on us true

According as we hope in you