
Purgative debacle debilitated me December 18th, 2020

Hoop fully adequately explains

source of odoriferous dry rot,

ye possibly smell, I jot

within this reasonable rhyme

without putting Johnny on the spot

my absence NOT attending fellowship,

today December 20th, 2020

albeit remotely, cuz off to bathroom

I frequently needed to trot.


Athwart porcelain goddess

at aforementioned date

bare with me rear potty talk,

I profusely apologize

concerning offal topic

wasting proctology boilerplate

nevertheless, quite a disaster

concerning mine excretory freight

said irritable bowel syndrome


necessitated I hydrate

and fast, thus yours truly

spent no time to judicate

nor analyze why rectum

severely overactive of late,

but aside from

lower gastrointestinal discomfort,

I also experienced linkedin symptom

namely upset stomach felt nauseate.


The power of mind over matter

slowly emerged inside anguished pate

physical unwellness across entire body electric

essentially, laterally, and unstintingly did radiate

and sucker punch ground zero i.e. solar plexus


fall out on par with mushroom cloud trait

unleashed courtesy nuclear warhead

without a shadow of doubt ability to function

even on primal level unwellness did vitiate.


Impossible mission to implicate

predilection to experience panic attack

whereby mine entire psyche did crack

blowing major fuses analogous to ENIAC.


In 1942, physicist John Mauchly proposed

an all-electronic calculating machine.

The result was ENIAC

(Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer),

built between 1943 and 1945—the

first large-scale computer to run

at electronic speed without being slowed

by any mechanical parts.


Yours truly entertained no mood

to jump figurative gun

taking no time to think and brood

and shoot from the hip

(perhaps while partially nude)

(regarding sharing his antithetical thoughts


within break out groups)

virtual bodyguards escorting out this dude

possibly unintentionally antagonizing

listeners buzzfeeding misinterpreting

weaponizing commentaries assembled crude

easily mistaken for flak, I sincerely eschewed.