
His paint brush

Full of color he painted his world.

The sky pink and orange for its sunsets 

in the day a bright warm yellow sun, it gave more light for other projects. 

He entered the water and painted a light blue to relax the mind and on the hot days it was a reminder to stay cool. 

But black and grey was the original color they found a way to stay. 

With dark clouds that carried monumental storms to show the people\'s lack of control.

But he painted the world his colors. He painted so much eventually it start to take toll. 

But why focus on that when his brush makes contact, with a canvas that\'s blank and gives him a smile that he brought back. 

From the pain  brought by the rain that washed away some of the color.

But a new day has begun so he can start over and over he did this for so long he didn\'t notice he got older. 

He left every home ever known. Also he  got close to so many people but in his own head, so in reality he\'s all  alone.

but still no worries everyday is a new day so he is in no hurry. 

Older but still young a new color arrived, rose red on his cheeks painted by his crush. 

A few pages later they paint together, but a reoccurring theme seems to cling and that is nothing beautiful last forever. 

They still had many other colors to learn. In his memory she was burned and can\'t be erased. So he waits,  but for a better portrait of himself he tries to create. 

But he is never truly satisfied the paintings seem to be the same. All this time alive nothing has really changed. 

Except for those he knew ,they found colors of their own and painted theor own worlds and left him a different shade of blue. 

Blue to grey that\'s what he sees everyday not one thing about him is necessary nothing to display. How long will he wait a big book of pages but no mind to create.