Sexy dark and pink heart fell upon my pulse, I still smell
her bloom on my nerves while weaved in her winter hair.
In the mornings her
sheeted marvel was the size of mountains, singing
with the sound of song-birds, and I knelt with a boyish
whisper to her maple-wood alter, in the chapel of her thighs.
How fancy her warm moods burned like an August noon,
while I laid beside her fire and happily suffered from
loves fever, harbored in her sweet grace!
Oh, when the drops of your dew gave me drink,
and when I kissed your curves,
and when I entered you as a dream enters a dreamer,
so fast were my blue tears dissolved, my hand full of senses
were drummed numb while I sucked the magic from your
flowered tides.
Oh my God what a time it was when you were my dark cross,
my savory creature, my smooth boned heart-
what a time it was, when I fell to you!
copyright 2020