

As a child

I spent countless Sunday’s perched on the last seat of the front row.

Anxiously awaiting the final amen as if I had somewhere else to go.

Even In all my rushing there were two things that always managed to catch my ear,

Two quotes that were repeated very often and made very clear.


God doesn’t make mistakes, despite what we may think.



God has a sense of humor thats so clever you might miss it if you blink.


Jokes on me because I still decided to play.

Thinking I’d defied the laws of karma not understanding that deferment is different than getting away.


For 20 plus years I played games and jokes despite the disdain of my king.

Taking souls and breaking hearts


how in the hell did I end up in a wedding ring?


God doesn’t make mistakes.



Im still alive,

Didn’t hurt too bad just a little sting.

In fact,

i guess its true that he who finds a wife finds a good thing.


Ring, the phone line to heaven and tell God I said good move but I’ll get him back.

I began Meticulously planning and plotting my revenge prank attack.

A plan so diabolical it’s a shame that it never got off the ground.

As i quickly realized that I was being hit twice in one round.


but hey having a baby brings nothing but joy.

I just can’t believe for a split second that I thought I might get a boy.


God doesn’t make mistakes,

And he has a good sense of humor.


I get it...

Joking with God is not going to work out well I see.

Unfortunately as he often does God works in the number three.

3 women,

3 divas,

1 house

1 me

And though I love them all dearly,

I think somebody should say a prayer for me....

I know that God doesn’t make mistakes.

I know that God has a sense of humor.

And now I also know that it’s no rumor

That God laughs the loudest when we tell him what we will and won’t do.

So despite my one and done claims I have no choice but to  thank God for the blessing of Babygirl number two.






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