The morning rooster starts it all
Awakening the bulbul to glorify the beauty of nature
As dawn twilight conquers the thickest cloud of night darkness
Then the bright sun fumbles up the Eastern Highlands
Chasing away the irritating morning dew
Enchanting the reptiles to the exposed granite rocks
The dark nurtured aesthetical reflection of chlorophyll is not a fancy
The fresh warm moist Congo breeze promising to pledge waters later today
And it is noisy all around, whistles and shouts
Drivers of cattle as land tillage takes place
Mothers holding bowls of groundnuts seeds after the plough, planting
Breaking later to drink mugs from granny\'s pot of brewed traditional beer
It is warm in the afternoon and teenagers whistle up
With huge herds of cattle and flocks of sheep and goats down to the river valley
Boys, girls gather up together at a common large dam
Jumping heads down into the water, swimming, all naked but innocent
What a jealousy weather it is to spoil the party
A thick dark thunderhead chases them home, all wet
Heavily raining for an hour, two or three
And in a while, a colorful rainbow stretches across villages
An adjunct interesting unseen angelic proficient choir of frogs
Bass, tenor, soprano and a little bit of sopranino
Until the light starts fading in an effect of dusk twilight
It is dark again and the moon is struggling behind the dispersing clouds
Keeping the fight till the sky a clear anew
Smiling in the reflection of celestial ornaments
The nearly full and bright moon, all stars across the space
Jolly children are leaping outside
Sitting a circle, telling folktales and singing ancient songs
Traditional games of hide and seek are not spared either
Towards midnight, they quit one by one
It is too late and it is a day for all and sundry.