You Will Be Horrified When You See

I live only on the extremes, never in between

I’m either the fiercest of the most loyal or the cruelest of the mean

I’m either the brightest of the bright or the darkest of the dark you’ve ever seen

Think you know what I’m like from what you’ve tasted so far, then you aren’t too keen


You might try hard to get in right now, but in due time, watch you try to escape desperately

If there ever was one thing I could guarantee, 

It is that you will be horrified when you see

The other side of me


I’m not the light you currently know

I’m also the great darkness that always breaks through, even as I don’t right now show

You want to be my friend because I’m uplifting and show this great glow? 

No, you want nothing to do with me because of my inevitable, devastating blow


You might try hard to get in right now, but in due time, watch you try to escape desperately

If there ever was one thing I could guarantee, 

It is that you will be horrified when you see

The other side of me


Think I’m good and kind all you want, you’re a fool, to know me, you haven’t even begun

Wait until you see me come undone

I’ll push you to the ground, chain you up, torture you just for fun

I do what I am like everyone


My anger will be directed at those who so much as annoy you until

My wrath is unleashed on you for my thrill

You will not see my anger against those who oppose they who I claim to care about

You will see it because I feel safe in control lashing out at them without doubt

But I always lose control and will strike those nearest to me

So don’t bother trying to walk towards my heart, you will be forced in pain to flee!

My anger is never a matter of justice or revenge, is it about getting the hit off my drug of choice and release

It will come out against they who showed those who showed me peace war and, alike, against they who showed me peace

Stand well aside from me, know and fear

I hold no one close, they who I claim to care about are but means to my end, anger, the only thing I hold dear


You might try hard to get in right now, but in due time, watch you try to escape desperately

If there ever was one thing I could guarantee, 

It is that you will be horrified when you see

The other side of me