The lights

It started with a flicker in my smile.
There was not as much joy in that smile as there once was.
Then the happiness felt washed out.
Grey tinted the edges of my world.

Life lost colour slowly.
It started to become black everywhere.
The only thing that truly kept me company.
Tiny little orbs of light. Tiny orbs of hope.

I remember how the sun felt. How the light kissed my skin. But it felt unattainable in my darkness.
It felt suffocating. It choked me.

The haze of one day blended into the next.
When the darkness loomed time stood still.

But with those tiny lights that surrounded me I felt the warmth.
When they dragged me to the sun i remembered.

The colours more vivid then ever.
The sun warmer.
The lights brighter.
They couldn\'t keep me there all the time.

I would occasionally skin back into the darkness.
The darkness that trapped the old me.
Those lights kept pulling me to the sun. To the warmth.

One day I\'ll stand in the sun on my own.
For now those lights hold me there.
Warming my soul. Scaring the darkness away.
Healing my darkened mind.
I fear the small cold dark cage.

But when the lights come I don\'t fear it all that much.