Samer Amin





Beware of the hidden hurtful thorns around the silky tender stem of a flower.




The gentle looking beauty still knows how to resist too.




Beware of the sharp wounding edges while holding admirably a lustrous jewel.




Sparkling jewel does not mean it adorns a heart of gold also. 




A glittering jewel can adore a handle of a dagger too.




Beware of a solitary alluring hiking amid the untrodden wilderness.




The untrodden wilderness may still have its own way of intercepting your lonely quiet walk.




Beware of indulging in dreamy hopes about unworldly expectancy.




The unworldly expectation cannot prevent the illusory sandcastles from succumbing to the tidal waves of reality.




Beware of dealing with a courteous deceptive fake friend.




A courteous fake friend is like a smiling wolf.




Beware of getting a closer a look when a wolf is showing its teeth.




A wolf is showing its teeth does not mean it is smiling.




Beware of the wounded soldier. A wounded soldier may feel weak,




and nothing has ever been created could be more furious than the weakness when it feels threatened.