Nafis Light

Coming Back – Square One...To A Higher Goal

I did fall...and fall and fall
but I know my mistake from before
and I know what I am doing this for
and therefore...I get rid of that guilt
or whatever that feeling that was so wrong
so I could and I would
get back up and do it right
in a way...fight;
I have strength...I have might
and I use it to overcome
and it is to do with pondering about purpose
and well as missions...myself, others, and surroundings
and it is also to do with the findings
that many things are in disarray
and I need to fix them
because I couldn’t stand things being in a mess
just like in a game of chess;


New Plan
New Strategy
Better...with myself knowing about purpose
of every single thing if possible
as it makes everything clearer as to why
I am doing it...even as to why I would want to fly.


- J.G.