Samer Amin

The Pains of Separation



The pains of separation will uproot you, and throw you into an alien land, not known before.





 A land where the screaming winds of the mournful nights, will keep wailing and howling.



The pains of separation will grind your feelings, and turn them into windblown ashes.




The pains of separation will tear your true-self into pieces, and throw these pieces to the birds of prey.




The pains of separation will destroy all the beautiful things in you, and turn you into a deformed, shapeless, freaky creature.





A creature that will be devoured by the frenzied wolves of the dreadful nights.





 The pains of separation will keep your soul imprisoned into one of the narrow pits of Hell\'s caves,





and from one of its narrow pit, your soul is going to cry there forever.





The pains of separation are the Last Breath, that emanates from the chest of a lover,





at the very moment of Separation.