Samer Amin

Entombed Dreams




The loving eyes can give meaning and purpose to every meaningless desolate road.


The loving eyes can plug oozing wounds and heal burning pains.



The loving eyes can rescue the hijacked dignity of the despised soul.



The loving eyes can demolish the prideful monumental depression, and obliterate its many years of imposed defeat.


The loving eyes can shake the deep foundation of the kingdom of darkness,



and its pervasive firmly-established roots are going to be eradicated.



The loving eyes can revive the entombed dreams,



and into their dead veins, can induce their ceased pulse again.



The loving eyes can resurrect the deceased hope under the domination of its grave\'s debris.



The loving eyes can give us a rebirth, and make us able to walk upright again.



The loving eyes are about to cry out with a loud voice and say: \"Lazarus, Come Out!\'\'