Samer Amin

The Everlasting Calling





When the shy sun feels hesitant to reveal its beautiful face behind the downy black veil of clouds,





When the audacious lighting pierces the thick clouds with his spear,





and the horizon becomes disclosed by his dazzling lights,





When the roaring thunder declares the coming rains with his majestic voice,





When raindrops strike their piano keys on my room windows,





When cold winds hum their yearning songs in the backyards,





When tree branches start their joyful dance, and hold each other\'s hands,





When birds become more meditative during seeking refuge under its hilarious branches,





When wet leaves get absorbed in prolonged loud praise of your glory,





When the everlasting calling tries to send its sacred message,





When the lifelong sadness starts to feel distracted away from its permanent sorrow,





and thinks the long-awaited joy is about to draw near,





Only then, I can dare say, nothing can revive my spiritual death, except your Awaiting Life-Giver Hug.