
Koinonia Keeping

Koinonia = Fellowship

* Tune: Lux Benigna

(\'Lead, kindly light\')

Psalm 121


I will lift up my eyes to Zion\'s mounts

There blessings founts

Do proceed, my help does come come sure from there

God\'s mercies fair

My help comes from the LORD, \'tis he who made

heaven and earth, His wondrous works displayed


He will not let your foot slip in the way

But firm shall stay

Your steps, for He who keeps you shall not sleep

He shall you keep

He no slumber, nor grow tired any hour

Almighty He remains with endless power


He be your keeper, your protector strong

Through all life long

He be your shade, your shelter through troubles

E\'en in them all

You be not harmed in things \'neath daylight\'s sun

Nor \'neath things of the night\'s moonlight, not one


The LORD shall preserve you from all evil

Keep, you not fall

He shall preserve your soul, His love and care

Shall with you share

He shall preserve your going out and in

From now, for ever, outward and within