

we\'re here, who thought we ever would be? 
Not me. I cover my heart with layers still you see                                 As I stand here all plans I held at hand are failing me,   
I\'m losing you. Come closer. Remember you said we were Inevitable? You, your physicality beautiful, soul so lyrical.     What did I do? Sorry forgive that question marked with Deception. I\'m through deceiving you, honesty comes Easy. The blame it lays with me, shame I feel fully.              Could we not go back to the start when the shine of the Sun came daily? Maybe. Why must we complicate so Many things, destroy all simplicity brings? Harden the Path ahead with stupid acts of regret, each one a step back or Forwards towards pain again. I state my fate lays in your Hands. I know that\'s selfish, but what can I do?               My wonderful beautiful friend, my all consuming love , in Us, around us, please trust. But I can see you are tired. it\'s Late. Our fate I leave with. I love you.