Samer Amin

Spiritual Death




The holy light dwells in hearts alone,




do not give up, hold on, until the first rays of the upcoming dawn.




Anyone who will make it till the next dawn,




cannot get lost at the crossroads.




The holy light picked the sacred heart as a place to call it home.




Amid the purified chambers of this heart,




devotional melodies are recited and repeated.




The holy of holies is where the holy light dwells,




and dispels the dreadful darkness of the spiritual death.




A persistent state of agony that can\'t be relieved by any material gains.




The dreadful darkness that penetrates a submerged heart.




A sinking heart in the midst of a dark ocean of separation from the ultimate source of light and life.




The murky ocean, shrouded in the gloom of overarching dreadful clouds of unfathomable misery and despair.




The falling heart into a deep abyss of agonizing sharp claws of depression and shrieking pains.




The super-smart heart that does everything it can do,




to mitigate the horrible free fall into the black abyss with its worldly gains.




Having fashionable worldly goods and drawing a silly smirk on its face.




A foolish smile that might convince the dark ocean to stop being so black,




and the deep abyss to stop getting so deep.




The holy light dwells in hearts alone,




do not give up, hold on, until the first rays of the upcoming dawn.




Anyone who will make it till the next dawn,




 cannot get lost at the crossroads.