Robert Southwick Richmond

Whiskey and Blood Run Together




I met a fellow, is starting a blood bank for virgins

and the mutually monotonous, since the Virus arrived,

in America’s very own Bantustan, among the born again

who conform to I Thes. 4, 3 as well as


21 CFR 600;

and on the tilting RISD couches

with the #15 needles all stuck in

he’ll tell them all about the Saving Blood.


And I think he believes in the Easter Bunny

and in Mary Phagan, and for all I know

little Hugh of Lincoln, bleeding among the cookies.


I have no truck with these hematological metaphors

but will go with my three strong daughters

for whom no PVC plastic, Barbie or bag,

is immolated upon remembering altars,

and with all of you, when I don’t hear nobody pray.