Samer Amin

Elderly Ghosts





At night, walking hand in hand along the calm lanes that pass by old buildings.




The old houses that have become engulfed in a sorrowful black shadow as a result of the departure of their previous residents.




The deep night\'s lament of the departed spirits that envelops the aged building,




every time we pass by and hear a muffled cry, it strikes a chord in our hearts.




Feeling the old days as evidenced by the black marks on their antique walls.




Feeling the old days that appear to be resurfacing via the eerie sorrowful hues on these crumbling walls.




The crumbling walls, which had grown deteriorated as a result of the howling winds and the solitude winter tears.




Through their shattered windows, a few empty, bleak, depressing rooms may be seen.




The shattered broken windows that appear to give a macabre passage through the depths of these houses\' aged tragedy.




Feeling an aura of ancient apparitions staring at us in a terribly frightening manner.




Their frightening aged eyes are trying to warn us that the bloom on our faces and hearts,




will end up like the abandoned rooms of these ancient structures.





 Their creepy ancient eyes are attempting to remind us that if we continue to tightly clasp each other\'s hands,




our sacred love would be able to shine through the black stains of time that have accumulated on the weathered walls of these ancient structures,




regardless of the passage of time.