Thomas J. Dooley


Illusions of the world are revealed.

Feeling are the facts that feed lies.

This pain will never heal.


New connections to who we are

Removing barriers that hold back the soul

A ritual, a cross, stain glass images


The ego hides all the lies.

As we try to move forward still, we are left behind.

There is a true direction to the power inside. 


New connections to who you are

Removing deceiving tradition that holds back the soul

The bread of the body, the juice of the blood


The blessings bestowed on me are the accomplishments I achieve

Life is not made up of mystical mysteries; it is what I find in me.

Only you control the relationship with the one.


New connection to who I am

Removing people and thing that I never need

A celebrity, a car, or a big house


Chanting your mantra selfishly will not make you free.

Counting the beads will not bring peace.

Remembrance of the one in purity and love is where it will come from


©Copyright Thomas Dooley 2021