
I thoroughly enjoy dialogue with continuity

And in a pinch reluctantly talk to yours truly,

a very reformed Jew rarely attends Synagogue,

(he who cannot be named) hails from Prague

offtimes provides a wonderful monologue,

whereby his eloquence usually finds me agog.

Propinquity between scribe

of Schwenksville (Pennsylvania)

heavily shuns engaging in diatribe

loathes bombastic, egotistic,

imperialistic, narcissistic, terroristic...

zealot trumpeting art of the deal

if necessary even coaxing bribe.


I would be up to the task and not averse

to extemporize unless stage fright did curse

ambition to chat up intellectual conversation

and/or solemnly soliloquizing regarding

recent deceased driven away courtesy hearse

(yup another coronavirus/COVID-19 statistic)


despite heroic measures

exerted by selfless nurse,

whose tears trickled down flushed cheeks,

while her lips she did purse

methinks she wondered if pandemic

would get worse.


Oratorical predilections quake

these lovely bones, which at lxii ache

after lugging a load of Bananas

after me and the missus did betake

ourselves to purchase said fruit at Landis

(841 Gravel Pike, Schwenksville, PA 19473).


The main rhyming reason

for jaunt at aforementioned market

unquenchable thirst for riches to slake

aware improbable odds winning powerball

nevertheless bought two tickets,

fat and/or slim chance reality would wake

one average dirt poor Joe Biden his time.


A lofty song Enya doth sing

plying her lilting heavenly voice

titled \"Marbled Halls\"

for no rhyme nor reason came to mind,

perhaps momentarily fantasizing

how gobs of moolah tickle me fancy,

although the lyrics strongly in apropos

especially opening line -

I dreamt I dwelt in marble halls

With vassals and serfs at my side...


Such pipedream regarding

winning bucket loads of cash,

would make monetary woes

in an instantaneous flash

mine dentures no longer

will futilely grind and gnash,

cuz I would undergo oral surgery

and simultaneously acquire


mush sought after gumption,

where dental implants

could offer million dollar smile

mastication boring full force

while I monstrously, yet easily mash

the most unpalatable pop slop

made with tender loving care

courtesy the missus.


Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

play key role to alleviate paroxysms

debilitating bouts of anxiety and panic attacks

wracked these lovely bones

during their roaring twenties

severely impinging potential to relish

joys and sorrows present within mein kampf


vast stretches of life sabotaged

courtesy mental health challenges,

thus I acknowledge miracle of modern medicine

particularly prescription medication

(iterated within first line of this verse),

which allows, enables and provides

blessed escape illness noggin tortured.