
My place to go



I sit and say thanks to having this

 my garden that is full of bliss.

The peace the quite and the still, I love this garden that I am in.

This is my hope my paradise it get the sun it feels so nice.

The lawn is cut the grass is green sitting here it\'s so serene.

The birds I hear there morning song there singing me to come along.

 Too sit and chill and take in this sun the light the warmth the days began.

I wish that you could sit with me then you would see what I can see.

The flowers in there pots of love there colours shine so much above.

I hear the buzzing of the bees the swaying of my willow trees

 The wind chimes play there music too I wish I could share this all with you.

I sit and read take in my view please come along and take a pew. 

Oh how I love too feel the sun I know that summer has become. 

These Ray\'s of heat and lights of yellow it makes you feel all soft and mellow. 

So come and join me bring a hat dont forget your cream and that.

I know you will want to stay it will make you feel that way.

A glass of pimms a strawberry tea i bet your glad your here with me.

But now the light it starts to fade we dont even need our shade.

 It\'s time to go do come back soon its be a smashing afternoon.

So I sit it\'s cool and calm and quite now

 I close my eyes and take a nap wishing that you all came back.

This was my day in my paradise I really hope you found it nice.