



There\'s journeys we made and journeys too take

Its get us to A its gets us to B we even get time to stop off for tea.

It maybe a bus it may be a train if I go by car I will see you again.

The travelling is long and boring you see but it is all worth it the person I see

Were on a long motorway it\'s not very nice but we do have stop offs once maybe twice.

The closer I get the excitement it starts I feel the pounding of each others hearts.

I know this journey will end soon you see it will be perfect just you and me 

There\'s  hugs and iv missed you have you missed me too please excuse me as I dash to your loo.

Now that I am here it\'s great you can see the journey it\'s over it\'s just time to be

Iv missed you so much my dear friend but so glad you kept me a seat in the end

The journey it took me the long way around it may of took years but finally your found.

I know you left early your ride it came soon I will tell you the truth I was not over the moon

I felt very lonely so lost as could be but now it\'s all over together we can be

So yes my journey has ended at B you all come when your ready theres plenty to see.

Please do not rush here please take your time just when your ready please get in line.