
The Truth of Thee

If I were ever to have known what it means...

To have lived my dream...

Being just in all my means...

I would have seen...

To have lived and been...

Not a man consumed by his extremes...

Yet in the glory of all that I would not have destroyed...

In my quest to be king... 

Sadly of nothing but what I believed to be my destiny...

A lie of lies, where words inflicted pain,

That never needed to be...

Only because of my weakness and the void I crossed over to willingly...

Evil beckons one in all...

Masquerading as one so tall...

Stature in sight, is a lie we might...

Tell ourselves so we to can be right...

In the midst of our truth of the life we abandoned to see the light...

That we might control and steer...

Only to fall and then plead...

Yet never hear...

Nor see, blinded by choice...

To the truth of Thee. 

I\'m so sorry to all, that you had to witness my fall...

Learn from my pride, that to be, only denies...

The truth of Thee.