Samer Amin

Behind the Green Doors





So heavy is the passage of time; so thunderous are the ticks of the clock in her ears.





On the wall, the strikes of the clock make her heart storm out of her chest towards her throat.





In her veins, the blood is racing towards her head, and in her fearful giddiness, she cannot see anything except the tilting and the moving floor of the waiting room.





In her head, the direst thoughts are competing with each other about which one is going to devastate her more.





It seems like endless ages. It seems like endless eons. 





Her patience is dreadfully calling for other helping troops of patience, and her courage is searching hectically for any trace of courage inside her.





Behind these green doors, the destiny of her child is about to be declared, and through the lips that exist behind these doors, she is about to hear it.





Nothing in the world could be heard now except her heart beats.





Nothing in the world could be seen now except her warm tears.





Even the whole universe starts to become more empathetic and starts to decelerate its movement.





Even the heavens and earth start to feel shaken by her frenzied heart beats.





Her wild supplication is moving every single atom in the universe right now.






The Heaven could not wait any longer and it opens the green doors.





In green attire and in a green mask on the face, the heavenly envoy of the glad tidings smiles widely and says \'\'Your child is going to be fine!\'\'