Mister V

To Proceed

What is it like when it\'s worth nothing to keep moving forward

because it feels like captivity when you liberty is bordered

When following your dreams means I\'m destined to take orders

or when assimilating, feeling obligated to cut corners.


It\'s a mentality that might distort yours, but feels natural to mine

growth proved to be painful, since I was an amateur of this life.

It was slow and often distasteful to progress towards whatever lies,

beyond the confines of my reality like receding towards the light


when your soul takes off and ventures passed this realm.

but it feels so good to rid my restraints that my heart would nearly melt

from the intensity of my emotions and disintegrate like dust along the shelves

but my soul itself, so freeing, that accompanying it are sounds of trumpets and of bells


like the celebration of some long-awaited incident

defying our expectations like when witnessing the ancient pyramids.

and help us tune to our \"humane\" side like the songs of gifted lyricists

and amongst all the blessings of this life, hold on to what my dearest is.