
Children of War

Death, destruction all around
Flashes of light terrible sound
A young child stands terror in eyes
Alone amid screams and dying cries

No place to hide from shrapnel of death
Explosions erupt its flames hot breath
Young faces so old etched in pain
Not knowing the reason for metal rain

Ruined buildings slaughtered bodies lay
Death from the skies its judgement day
Innocent children see families die
Losing loved ones alone they cry

Amongst ruins once called home
Searching the rubble they silently roam
Children of war in devastated lands
No one to help them or hold their hands

When will it end will there be calm
Think of these children wish them no harm
These young victims would you shed a tear
Imagine their suffering, pain and fear

Peace comes in dying, praying for death
Tormented they wait to draw the last breath
Through misty eyes such carnage they saw
Meek little children, children of war