Pacifique Niyitanga

Brave In The Grave

Morning was fading

My heart bleeding

Soul burning

Head aching ‎

Eyes crying


Looked around, but he was not around

Denied until I saw him lying on the ground

Waited for another round but got no bell sound

After figuring it out, I cried, but not loud


They told me, I have to be strong

But it could not be for so long

And thought they were wrong


Another day came

I was tough like a bone

Fear and tears, all were gone


\"Hero is gone,

We\'ll always remember his work done,

And finish all he left undone,

The man we loved, now is in the grave alone,

But we all take it as our way home,\" they said.

With the flowers everywhere, they sung a farewell song

‎After all, everyone got back home


Now here I am, many days passed

Building a house you left with basement

And proving all you left in proverbs,

I know you are there, warm and safe

Sleep well brave,

Guess I\'ll be with you, in another life.